Whipping It With Red: Price Check

Welcome back! 

The goal of this blog is to provide our customers with a fun peep behind the curtain of Natural Red and insight into our products—however, this week is going to be something a little different. This week we are talking about the necessity of raising our prices and free shipping threshold. 

We are committed to providing clean, safe, effective, handcrafted products for you and your family. Due to worker shortages, material shortages, and increased shipping costs, all of our expenses have gone up. We, at Natural Red, have kept our prices essentially the same for the past three years. During that time, our costs have gone up, but we have not shifted them to you. With our expenses recently and dramatically increasing, we cannot keep operating without raising our prices. This stinks. This stinks for everyone. We are disappointed that this is happening! Our price and free shipping threshold increase will take effect on Monday, October 18th. This gives everyone a week’s notice before the change. Thank you for being understanding and supportive. 


Stay Fantastic,  

The Natural Red Team 

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